Tuesday, April 16, 2019

2019 April 16 Transfer Day

Tuesday morning, we all arise early. Elder Rash and Elder Willison come to the mission home to pick up Elder Mbaki and Elder Spencer at 6:15 am to take them to the airport. They will first greet and collect Elder Baldiviezo, one of our new missionaries who is from Bolivia, went to the Brazil MTC and learned Portuguese, served in Brazil for about seven months before receiving his South African visa, and will now serve with us teaching in English. They will escort Elder Mbaki and Elder Spencer to check-in and to security before saying a final goodbye. Then return with Elder Baldiviezo to have breakfast and training with the other new missionaries the rest of us have escorted across the parking from the MTC at 7 am to the mission office and CES classroom.

The new missionaries have breakfast, orientation and training by all the office staff. Some have driving tests with Elder Rees. All have lunch and then are matched with their trainers and listen to some departing words from President Leavitt.

During the hours of 8-10:30 am, the rest of the transfer is taking place in the parking lot.

At the MTC:

Elder Nau saying goodbye during the transfer:

Match meeting after lunch:

Elder Mendes, trainer, and Elder Pickford

Elder Souza, trainer, and Elder Green

Elder Mills, trainer, and Elder Rocha

Elder Hess, trainer, and Elder Previatti

Elder Bishop, trainer, and Elder Baldiviezo

Elder Sol, trainer, and Elder MacArio

Elder Harr, trainer, and Elder Kireta

Elder Rattana, trainer, and Elder Shaffer

Elder Durrant, trainer, and Elder Briggs

About 3 pm, Elder Rash and Elder Willison will take Elders Nau, Behunin, Reneer, and Gray to the airport for their departure home.

1 comment:

  1. My son just received his call to this mission yesterday and will be coming in September! I am so happy you have this blog - thank you!
